4 Ways to Adapt Employee Recognition to the Virtual Workspace

Remote work has transformed the way many companies engage, recognize, and reward employees. And we like to believe it’s for the best!

8 Tips for Giving Constructive Feedback

“Constructive criticism.” Hearing the phrase makes most people cringe. But feedback can be empowering instead of cringeworthy.

‘Must-Haves’ for Writing a Thank You Note

Stickie notes, greeting cards, letters, eCards…there are plenty of vehicles for writing thank-yous. But there are elements every thank you note should have.

4 Reasons Companies Need Middle Managers

A lot of companies are “flattening” their management structures, and it may be more detrimental than it seems.

How to Help Employees Fight Tech Fatigue

Technology has brought improved productivity and opportunities to stay connected, especially during the pandemic. But it has also brought stress and fatigue.

5 Tips for Maintaining Morale after Layoffs

Layoffs can adversely affect morale for your remaining employees. This can be detrimental and lead others to voluntarily leave.

6 Ways to Celebrate Diversity in the Workplace

April is Celebrate Diversity Month! And when we celebrate diversity, we celebrate success while also celebrating people.

What People Leaders have Learned about Hybrid Work

The past few years have been trial and error for many people and organizations when it comes to hybrid work. So what have we learned so far?

Dismal Employee Engagement Stats and How to Help

Employee engagement has seen better days. It continued its steady decline into 2022 – But it’s time for us to make a change.