Employee Engagement, Employee Wellbeing | Article

4 Tips for Reenergizing Your Team When Morale is Down

Many skilled workers are benefiting from higher flexibility and freedom. Yet, engagement and productivity remain low while burnout and loneliness continue to rise.

You have likely seen (or at least heard about) drops in morale and rising burnout levels. But do you know the immense impact you can have as a leader? Metanalytic studies revealed that 30-40% of variability in team morale, performance, and critical organizational behaviors can be explained by what leaders do. That’s a big difference. So what are some of the areas you should focus on? We’ve got you covered.


Energy and productivity levels can vary greatly. Not just within a company, but within each individual. One employee may be productive one year and unproductive the next. Morale is especially likely to drop amidst adversity (pandemic, economic crisis, political instability, etc.)

To motivate and energize employees again, focus on meaning. Humans crave meaning and you have the power to shape that meaning as a leader. When you help people remember the “why,” they feel like what they do matters. This is a great source of energy and inspiration.

What can you do to revitalize?

  • Frequently remind teams of their impact and the organization’s purpose
  • Ask people what matters most to them
  • Share the positive feedback customers are providing
  • Create a culture of appreciation where people recognize one another


Leaders have the ability to help employees on their journeys to thriving wellbeing. This means being a kind, empathetic listener and providing resources when needed. It can also mean restoring relationships that may have broken down at work due to misunderstanding, disagreement, or other conflict. Serve as a mediator between team members and create an environment that encourages openness. Embrace vulnerability and others will feel safe and follow suit.

What can you do to repair?

  • Ask how employees are doing during regular 1:1s
  • Look at team struggles/breakdowns together and figure out what can be done to avoid them in the future
  • Be vulnerable and don’t be afraid to share a little bit about your own struggles
  • Direct people to resources like an EAP when needed


Sometimes we lose sight of key priorities when things get crazy. A little reminder now and then can help teams get back on track. Under-communication is a common cause of problems for teams. Communicate with each of your employees on both the good and bad. Let them know when they are on the right track and doing well. On the other side of things, don’t avoid difficult conversations. Employees need to know when they are straying from the path so they can realign and refocus.

What can you do to refocus?

  • Host monthly meetings recapping goals and progress towards them
  • Celebrate both big and little milestones
  • Ask your team what can be done better and what can be let go of
  • Keep a perpetual loop of feedback going


Engagement has many benefits like higher morale and increased productivity. With 18% of the world’s employees actively disengaged, it’s time to focus on reengagement. There are a couple of different ways you can engage employees. One way relates to their day-to-day job duties. If they are not being challenged and are growing tired of their tasks, reengage them by giving them new projects and responsibilities. Another great way to engage is with social events and opportunities to form personal connections amongst peers. Sometimes it’s good to take a break from professionalism and make time for fun.

What can you do to reengage?

  • Implement an employee engagement technology
  • Assign new and exciting projects often
  • Plan company-wide social events in person and virtually
  • Host off-site team building activities

Remember: You need to ensure you are focused, engaged, and thriving before you can provide the same for your employees. On airplanes, we are instructed to put on our oxygen masks before assisting others in a crisis. Frequently check your own energy levels to ensure you are where you need to be. Prioritize yourself, then help your team members do the same for themselves.